Data-driven insights for strategic decision-making


Support Assistants


As a small business owner, you wear many hats – from CEO to accountant to customer service representative. But managing all those responsibilities can be overwhelming, leaving you with little time to focus on growth and innovation. That's where our services come in

Our Decision Support Assistants for Business Leaders can help you stay organized and make better decisions, faster, by:

  • Creating custom dashboards and reports ad-hoc.
  • Keeping track of KPIs and company metrics.
  • Synthesizing data in decision making.
  • Analyzing financial and operational data.

Plus, with our personalized approach, you'll have a dedicated team working closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals. Our services are scalable and flexible so you can access the exact level of support you need – from ad hoc analysis to ongoing decision-making support.

Some common issues we are experts at solving are:

Strategic decision-making

DataGurus help CEOs make informed decisions based on accurate, reliable data.

Market analysis

Find insights into market trends, customer behavior and competitor strategies by having a Decision Support Assistant at your fingertips.

Operational efficiency

We help CEOs identify inefficiencies in business operations and optimize processes. We predict challenges and make recommendations as needed.

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